Testing PostgreSQL replication solutions: Basic Setup

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I want to provide an introduction, annotated examples and an easy to setup test environment for a few common and "simple" PostgreSQL replication solutions.

I planned on providing images, but after what I've seen so far it seems to be much easier to just provide a HowTo ;).


I chose Debian as test platform because I'm familiar with it and the PostgreSQL related packages are in excellent shape there.

What you need is

  • two separate Debian Lenny instances
  • with the following packages installed:
    • postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-8.3-slony1 slony1-bin mercurial less libdbd-pg-perl libpoe-perl rsync psmisc ssh screen python-psycopg2 libstring-random-perl
  • which are reachable via the respective hostnames "master1" and "slave1"
  • Where both the root and the postgres user from master1 can ssh into root and postgres on slave1

Using VirtualBox

If you're using Virtualbox you can use this as a rough draft:

  • Create master1 machine, 8GB dynamic disk, 256MB RAM, three NICs:
    • Adapter 1: NAT
    • Adapter 2: Internal Network "intnet"
    • Adapter 3: Host-Only network (optional, only needed if you don't like using VBox's console)
  • Install Debian Lenny (look for "netinst"), set hostname to master1, don't select any profiles in the tasksel screen since it's not necessary
apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-8.3-slony1 slony1-bin mercurial less libdbd-pg-perl libpoe-perl rsync psmisc ssh screen python-psycopg2 libstring-random-perl perl-doc
cd /root; hg clone https://workbench.amd.co.at/hg/pgworkshop/
ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -N ""
cp /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
cp -a /root/.ssh /var/lib/postgresql
chown -Rv postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/
rm -v /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-net*
echo "       slave1" >> /etc/hosts
  • Then configure eth1:
cat << HERE >> /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
  • Stop the instance and snapshot it, for good measure
  • Add a second machine named slave1, identical configuration to master1, choose the same disk as master1. This will cause VirtualBox to use the state of master1 as snapshot source for slave1.
  • Boot slave1, change the IP of eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces to and change the hostname in /etc/hostname to slave1
  • Boot master1, reboot slave1
  • ssh root@slave1, ssh postgres@slave1 from master1 should work now.

And you're done!

PostgreSQL on Debian

Debian offers a few tools to manage multiple Postgres "clusters" (as in "instance").

"ls -l /usr/bin/pg_*cluster" shows all available commands, we will use pg_ctlcluster regularly to start, stop, restart or reload clusters.

Custom tools

I've written two tools to make testing replication scenarios easier. These can be found in the mercurial repository at https://workbench.amd.co.at/hg/pgworkshop/. The tutorials assume that the repository has been checked out to "/root/pgworkshop".

The envorcer

There is a script called "envorcer", which is basically an "environment enforcer". It prepares the PostgreSQL databases & needed configuration for the test cases.

It is very destructive, so it's got a hardcoded hostname check so that it can be only run from master1.

Running it without arguments shows a short usage example, the source code is pretty self-explanatory and fairly commented ;).

The pgexerciser

The pgexerciser is in the same directory as the envorcer and is used for exercising a given PostgreSQL database. See ./pgexerciser --help for documentation.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Michael Renner published on 2.05.09 18:43.

PostgreSQL repliziert: Ein Workshop was the previous entry in this blog.

Testing PostgreSQL replication solutions: Log shipping with pg_standby is the next entry in this blog.

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