März 2009 Archives

A while ago I wrote a small script which runs benchmarks against given filesystems and collects performance data for each run. What I wanted to find out is, how expensive (IO-wise) various standard filesystem operations are.

The collected informations proved to be quite extensive and very hard to visualize.

I'll be giving a workshop on PostgreSQL replication at the Netways Open Source Datacenter Conference in Nuremberg, Germany on 29. & 30. April 2009.

Topics will include a short introduction in the theory of data replication in RDBMS context as well as giving an overview of the various replication solutions which are currently available for PostgreSQL. The hands-on part will focus on a few common scenarios with Log Shipping and Slony-I (TBD).

The workshop has only 20 slots available, so register early if you're interested.


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